Request a Banner

To place a request for a banner, contact me (Contact Me tab) and send me the following information:
  • Tittle to your story.*
  • Penname.*
  • Link to the story. (if aviable)
  • Some way of contacting you (e-mail, twitter,, tumblr, formspring... you name it) *
  • Any specifications you might have (size, color, specific pictures)
  • Any text or quotes you wish the banner to have. (Apart form tittle and penname)
It'd be of great help to have an extended summary or at least some general information about your fic, like wether it is dark and agnsty or light-hearted and fun, that way is easier to get the feel of it.

My preferences in reading does not affect what I do. Meaning: I don't mind doing cannon, non.cannon, slash, femslash, AH, AU, OOC...etc, you get the gist.

I do not tag my banners unless requested (There have been cases) but credit is never look down upon.

My studies demand a great part of my time, thus I don't always take requests. But don't let that stop you from contacting me and finding out whether or not I'm taking requests at the moment.

NOTE:  *Obligatory requisite for a request.