Request a Manip

To place a request for a manip, contact me (Contact Me tab) and send me the following information:
  • Picture or link to it (in case you already know what picture you want to manipulate) or type of base (Bride, cowboy, couple... etc)*
  • Person to put into the manip. (Bella, Edward, Alice...etc)*
  • Rating (K, T, M, MA)*
Most of the manips I've done are Bella manips, but can do other characters too. Don't be afraid to ask.

I do tag the manips I do unless it is a request, and if you'd like any of the manips I've already done, just ask me and I'll remove the tags. However, credit is never look down upon.

My studies demand a great part of my time, thus I don't always take requests. But don't let that stop you from contacting me and finding out whether or not I'm taking requests at the moment.

NOTE:  *Obligatory requisite for a request.