May 14, 2011

Rider Bella.

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TFP Masquerade Challenge + Manips.

Banner for the Masqurade Challenge

I have no idea who did this awesome manip, but let me know if you did so I can give you credit.

And finally, this last one I did myself.
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Alice manip

This is the first manip I do for other than Bella! :)
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Uhh... Not tittle.

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Classy Bella

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Bella Boleyn

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Bella on heels

I know, I know... highly unlikely to see bella on heels, but who cares? ;)
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Vintage Bella

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May 6, 2011


Manip of LittleBella from CaraNoFic's Isla de Cullen.

If you're not reading Isla de Cullen, then I don't hav any idea of how the hell are you living. Not gonna say anymore...

Feb 26, 2011

Another manip... Yes, I'm bored.

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Feb 25, 2011

Human Bella Manip

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As If I never Existed

Vishous Son Of The Bloodletter

With extraordinary pleasure, I present you to Vishous son of the Bloodletter, warrior of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and a male of worth.

"...with that warrior, you had the whole package. He was sexy, all-knowing, powerful, the kind of male that made you think of having babies just to keep his DNA in the gene pool."

Bella - Lover Eternal.

The Power of Submission

This was my entry for the Pervy Challenge hosted by TwiFicPics and The Perv Pack's Smut Shack. There'll be more Pervy Picspiration each month!


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Feb 14, 2011

I ran out of tittles for this...

First of all, I'm not entirely sure why this is my first post of Jasper/Jackson and I haven't done it sooner, beacause I love him eiter way.

This is something I had originally done for the Pick a Pic Challenge, but never summited. I did some modifications and this is the result.

Away We Go

Saw that pretty manip (which I have no idea who it belongs, so if it's yours let me know to give you credit) and it inspired me to do something a little bohemian. Hope I got the feeling right.

Which would you choose?

I was playing around with Kristen's new pics, and this is what came out. I really like them, it's huge improvement from where I started, but I'm undecided on which one I like the most.

So, which would you choose?

Feb 13, 2011

Text Progress

The worst part (or less fun at least) of making a banner is the text. Seriously. Is where I spend at least two thirds of the total time. And if I'm honest with myself, I'm no so good at it. So I've been practicing a little and this is some of the things I've done.

The top letters is the original text and the bottom is the text modified. I gotta say that I'm happy with the progress I've made with text. It's way better that in the start.

Feb 12, 2011

Bella as a Volturi

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Feb 11, 2011

Bella and Nessie

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Feb 10, 2011

The Black Dagger Brotherhood

Before I read Twilight I wasn't a book lover, honestly, and after I finished it, I was so hungry for more good books, for something else to read. But I'm kind of picky with what I read, so the process to find something that would satisfy me was long and tiresome.

That was till I found the jewel that Mrs. J.R. Ward had created.

Is a world totally and completly different from Twilight. The only similarity is that there are vampires in both worlds.

It has everything you can want in a book. Really. And I love the Brothers like there is no tomorrow. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

So far there are eight books and an Insider's Guide. And the ninth is coming out in march *squeals*

So go now and read them. Promise that you won't rergret.

Click here to see a larger version.

Another Manip

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Bella Mnips

Looking through my files in search of something for the Paris Rendezvouz Challege, I stumbled into this manip I did sometime ago. It was my first.

And since I didn't find anything to use for the banner, I decided to do another manip. This was the result. And let me tell you beforehand, I like the one above better.

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Paris Rendezvouz

My entry for the Weekly Challenge hosted by TwiFicPics.

Click here to see a larger vesion.

Pick a Pic Challenge. Again

Here are my other two entries fot the Pick a Pic Challenge.

Click here to see a larger version.

Click here to see a larger version.

Pick a Pic Challenge Results.

As I had said before, I summited a few entries for the Pick a Pic Challenge that was hosted by TwiFicPics and FanFiction Writing Challenge a few weeks ago.

One of my banners inspired Windy Afternoon by KellanCougar which won the 2dn place in the judges vote for the writing challenge part. It is beautifuly awesome, I encourage you all to check it out and leave Rach some love.

Click here to see a larger version of the banner

Feb 5, 2011

Forbidden Attraction

This is a banner I did for Forbidden Attraction by SunshineGal3
The story is awesome, you should all check it out if you haven't

Click here to see the image larger and here to go to Forbidden Attraction

A little something

Click the here to see larger